Pantarhei:Kein Ausang
While it's widely acknowledged that photography often captures decisive moments, my project "Panta Rhei" explores the opposite notion. Inspired by Heraclitus' philosophy, which suggests that amidst constant change, there's always an underlying constancy—the law, rule or logos governing change itself. What fascinates me is capturing the dynamic passage of time and space within the shake of the camera and the perceptible time of the shot. I aim to depict the ephemeral past merging with the present while hinting at future transformations, showing the ever-evolving nature of existence.
In perceptible time, objects or cameras move and blend into a haze, images overlap, shapes, symbols and forms are broken up and recombined and reshaped in an almost random way, and in this way new ways of seeing and thinking are offered. Matter itself is given a more subjective meaning in relation to time and change. By observing, examining, and transforming the phenomenon of change, I've come to understand that everything flows not toward a fixed endpoint, but rather as change itself—an ongoing process. Any perceived endpoint is fleeting, replaced by continual evolution in the next moment.
如果是共同的观点是,摄影作品通常捕捉决定性瞬间,我关于Panta Rhei的主题展示的则是正好相反,正如赫拉克利特的哲学观点,虽然事物⽆时⽆刻不发⽣着变化,但变化之中始终有⼀个东⻄不变。这个不变的东⻄就是变化本身,或者说变化背后的规律、规则,或者说逻各斯(logos)。让我着迷的便是,是在镜头的晃动和可感知的时间内捕捉时间和空间的动态流逝。我的目标是描绘短暂的过去与现在的融合,同时暗示未来的变化,展示存在的不断演变的本质。
在可感知的时间⾥,物体或者相机移动了,混在成⼀⽚朦胧,图像也层层重叠,图形、符号和形状 被打碎并重新组合并以⼏乎随机的⽅式被重塑,通过这样的⽅式,新的观看和思考⽅式也被提供了。物质本身也被赋予了更多关于时间和变化的主观意义。通过观察、研究和改造变化现象,我逐渐认识到,一切都不是流向一个固定的终点,而是变化本身--一个持续的过程。任何感知到的终点都转瞬即逝,取而代之的是下一刻的持续演变。
/ 2021
Pantarhei:Kein Ausang
While it's widely acknowledged that photography often captures decisive moments, my project "Panta Rhei" explores the opposite notion. Inspired by Heraclitus' philosophy, which suggests that amidst constant change, there's always an underlying constancy—the law, rule or logos governing change itself. What fascinates me is capturing the dynamic passage of time and space within the shake of the camera and the perceptible time of the shot. I aim to depict the ephemeral past merging with the present while hinting at future transformations, showing the ever-evolving nature of existence.
In perceptible time, objects or cameras move and blend into a haze, images overlap, shapes, symbols and forms are broken up and recombined and reshaped in an almost random way, and in this way new ways of seeing and thinking are offered. Matter itself is given a more subjective meaning in relation to time and change. By observing, examining, and transforming the phenomenon of change, I've come to understand that everything flows not toward a fixed endpoint, but rather as change itself—an ongoing process. Any perceived endpoint is fleeting, replaced by continual evolution in the next moment.
如果是共同的观点是,摄影作品通常捕捉决定性瞬间,我关于Panta Rhei的主题展示的则是正好相反,正如赫拉克利特的哲学观点,虽然事物⽆时⽆刻不发⽣着变化,但变化之中始终有⼀个东⻄不变。这个不变的东⻄就是变化本身,或者说变化背后的规律、规则,或者说逻各斯(logos)。让我着迷的便是,是在镜头的晃动和可感知的时间内捕捉时间和空间的动态流逝。我的目标是描绘短暂的过去与现在的融合,同时暗示未来的变化,展示存在的不断演变的本质。
在可感知的时间⾥,物体或者相机移动了,混在成⼀⽚朦胧,图像也层层重叠,图形、符号和形状 被打碎并重新组合并以⼏乎随机的⽅式被重塑,通过这样的⽅式,新的观看和思考⽅式也被提供了。物质本身也被赋予了更多关于时间和变化的主观意义。通过观察、研究和改造变化现象,我逐渐认识到,一切都不是流向一个固定的终点,而是变化本身--一个持续的过程。任何感知到的终点都转瞬即逝,取而代之的是下一刻的持续演变。