About Sisyphus
As for Sisyphus, Greek mythology and Camus offer two distinct interpretations – though the outcomes are the same. First: the perpetual repetition and suffering of life in its endless exhaustion. Second: whether tragedy or joy, we inevitably live in absurdity, but this absurdity can affirm human existence. Rolling, repeating, circulating – overcoming, breaking, transcending. It can be shown that things and experiences that continue to circulate hold value. We can still choose, day after day, to push the stone up the mountain – or let ourselves be carried by the flow.
Inspired by this, I created the following work: Twelve candles were evenly placed on a rotating round glass table, with burning candles on one side and straws continuously releasing CO2 on the other side. As the table spins, the candles on one side are continuously lit, and the CO2 extinguishes the candles on the other side. Throughout the rotation process, ignition and extinguishing occur continuously without end. This is a satirical exploration of survival, destruction, and the cycle of time.
关于西西弗斯,希腊神话和加缪提供了两种不同的理解。 第一:在无尽的疲惫中不断重复和承受生命的苦难。 第二,无论是悲剧还是幸福,我们都不可避免地生活在荒诞之中,但这种荒诞可以证明人的存在。滚动,重复,循环 克服,打破,超越。但仍然可以证明的是,继续流动的事物和经验具有价值,我们仍然可以日复一日地选择把石头推上山--或者被随波逐流。
受此启发,我创作了以下作品: 十二支蜡烛被均匀地摆放在一个旋转的圆形玻璃桌上,一边是燃烧的蜡烛,另一边是不断释放二氧化碳的吸管。随着圆桌的旋转,一边的蜡烛不断点燃,另一边的蜡烛则被二氧化碳熄灭。在整个旋转过程中,点燃和熄灭不断发生,没有终点。这是对生存、毁灭和时间轮回的讽刺性探索。
/ 2020
About Sisyphus
As for Sisyphus, Greek mythology and Camus offer two distinct interpretations – though the outcomes are the same. First: the perpetual repetition and suffering of life in its endless exhaustion. Second: whether tragedy or joy, we inevitably live in absurdity, but this absurdity can affirm human existence. Rolling, repeating, circulating – overcoming, breaking, transcending. It can be shown that things and experiences that continue to circulate hold value. We can still choose, day after day, to push the stone up the mountain – or let ourselves be carried by the flow.
Inspired by this, I created the following work: Twelve candles were evenly placed on a rotating round glass table, with burning candles on one side and straws continuously releasing CO2 on the other side. As the table spins, the candles on one side are continuously lit, and the CO2 extinguishes the candles on the other side. Throughout the rotation process, ignition and extinguishing occur continuously without end. This is a satirical exploration of survival, destruction, and the cycle of time.
关于西西弗斯,希腊神话和加缪提供了两种不同的理解。 第一:在无尽的疲惫中不断重复和承受生命的苦难。 第二,无论是悲剧还是幸福,我们都不可避免地生活在荒诞之中,但这种荒诞可以证明人的存在。滚动,重复,循环 克服,打破,超越。但仍然可以证明的是,继续流动的事物和经验具有价值,我们仍然可以日复一日地选择把石头推上山--或者被随波逐流。
受此启发,我创作了以下作品: 十二支蜡烛被均匀地摆放在一个旋转的圆形玻璃桌上,一边是燃烧的蜡烛,另一边是不断释放二氧化碳的吸管。随着圆桌的旋转,一边的蜡烛不断点燃,另一边的蜡烛则被二氧化碳熄灭。在整个旋转过程中,点燃和熄灭不断发生,没有终点。这是对生存、毁灭和时间轮回的讽刺性探索。